So you’ve gone ahead and made the decision to purchase a new air conditioning system installation. Great! You’ve got some wonderful comfort in your future if you get it installed the right way.
Sorry to be the Debby Downer, but there’s really something to be said about the difference between amateur AC installation and an air conditioner that’s put together by the best professionals in the business. While you might think that air conditioning installation in Brampton, ON is just about plugging the system in and letting it keep you comfortable, it’s much more complicated than that.
We’ll get into the details below of why it’s so important that you get your system installed by a pro. But first—take our word for it and give us a call if you’re looking for a system installation.
Sizing and Load Calculation
An air conditioner needs to be properly sized in a process that we call “load calculation.” When this process takes place, a professional needs to use a certain set of equipment to specifically measure how much air volume is going to be cooled by your air conditioner. Each air conditioner that’s installed is set up to only cool a specific amount of air, so don’t expect a tiny central AC system to be able to cool a large farmhouse with 20 rooms!
Unfortunately, there’s a barrier to entry with load calculation. Because it requires precise measuring tools, it’s something that amateurs can rarely do. You need access to professionals with cutting-edge technology that can measure your home’s air to the exact cubic foot. Once this is done, you’ll avoid a lot of problems and a premature system replacement.
Making Sure It Works
Sometimes a little bit of extra care goes a long way. Amateurs often set up your air conditioner knowing that they’re just going to leave afterwards. There isn’t any courtesy, they don’t explain the system to you, and they don’t help answer any concerns that you have. After all, they don’t really have to! (And often they don’t have the background to let them do so anyway.)
Our team can accurately answer your questions, help you through working with your system, and can stay late ensuring that it works just like you want. Professionals are trained to not just know the complex parts of your system, but also in customer service in making the system easier for you to operate. They answer questions politely and will help you for as long as you need it.
All of our work is guaranteed—period. There aren’t many amateurs that can make a promise like that. Guarantees aren’t necessary to ensure that your air conditioner is installed correctly, but they help a lot more than you might think. For starters, they help you try your air conditioner and all of its settings to feel like you’ve been well-equipped with a good system. A guarantee takes the worry out of the system installation and puts that warm, fuzzy feeling inside you knowing that someone cares and they can provide help when you need it for no extra cost.
Call Peatson’s Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. today for our professional installation services.