Peatson's Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Ice on the Coil? Here’s What to Do

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Finding ice on your air conditioner’s coil can be alarming and inconvenient, especially during a sweltering summer. Understanding why ice forms and how to address it can help you restore your AC’s functionality quickly and prevent further damage. Here’s a comprehensive guide on why ice forms on AC coils and why AC repair in Mississauga, ON is so important.

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4 Sounds That Mean Your AC Needs Help

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Summer is almost here and you’re probably looking forward to longer days, sunshine, warm weather, and barbecues. The last thing you want to interrupt the summer fun is having to schedule air conditioning repair. That’s why it’s important to know the earliest signs that your AC needs a check-up.

Luckily, your AC will let you know when it needs some help. How does it let you know? By making a lot of noise. Any sounds that are out of the ordinary or that are extremely loud and noticeable are signs that your AC should be looked at by a professional HVAC technician. Let’s discuss those noises and what they mean.

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24/7 Emergency Services: Are They Worth It?

Monday, July 18th, 2022

You’ve gotten the family together, the keys and wallet have been found, and you’re all singing and screaming as you head to the car to grab some ice cream. There’s only one problem–the ice cream place has closed early and you just found out while checking messages on your phone. What a bummer!

Hours of operation can be a difficult thing to consider in any aspect of life. Whether you’re trying to get your car fixed, make a reservation at a restaurant, or looking to invest in AC repairs in Brampton, ON, it just can’t be ignored.

However, some companies have the manpower and ability to offer round-the-clock services for people who need help. We’re proud to offer those types of services to the Brampton community, and we want this blog post to help ease people’s minds to the fact that their comfort is always protected.

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Our Quick AC FAQ

Monday, June 6th, 2022

Questions about home comfort systems are perfectly normal. You’ve probably heard someone say the phrase “there are no stupid questions,” and yet sometimes there can be pressure against asking a question that you might not know the answer to. We completely understand, and with such complicated technology in your air conditioner, it makes perfect sense if you’ve got burning questions.

There are no silly questions when we’re the ones who are answering them! And, to make things even easier, we’re going to try to answer some of our most commonly asked questions right here so you don’t even have to ask!

Just make sure that if you have questions that aren’t on this blog, you ask our team for support. Our friendly technicians specialize in AC repair in Brampton, ON, and we’ll get your system fixed if that’s what it takes. So, let’s talk about some questions you might have.

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What Should You Do for Your AC

Monday, May 9th, 2022

We never want to discourage homeowners who are trying to take care of their home appliances. We know that warning customers not to perform DIY maintenance or repairs can seem like a let-down, and we want to keep this blog as a positive place where we encourage homeowners to treat their homes with respect and care. Well, you’re in luck because there actually are a few things that homeowners can do to help improve their AC units.

Before you pick up the toolbox and get to repairing your air conditioner on your own, remember that repairs and maintenance should always be done by a professional. But repairs and maintenance aren’t the only things that an AC needs, and it’s your job to provide everything else. Leave the complex and risky AC repair in Georgetown, ON to a professional, and take on some of the more long-term projects that will keep your home comfortable and efficient.

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What Is a Grinding AC Telling You?

Monday, August 16th, 2021

Grinding is a pretty peculiar noise. When you close your eyes and hear a grinding noise, you can usually picture two metal objects rubbing against each other. Either they’re fan blades rubbing against the housing, or perhaps a misaligned part that’s scratching up against the compressor of your air conditioner. The truth is that this problem can come from a variety of places and none of them are good.

While you might wish that your AC repair in Oakville, ON didn’t have to do with such an obnoxious sound, but you might be luckier than you think. Grinding noises are never pleasant, which means homeowners are more likely to call for help when they encounter them.

If your air conditioner is grinding, the first step towards a solution is to call our team for help. Then, read on as we uncover some of the culprits in these likely scenarios.

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5 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your AC

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Wait! Don’t just put away your air conditioner just yet! Sure, things will undoubtedly get cold here in Milton, but that doesn’t mean you can just ignore your AC needs. HVAC in Milton, ON isn’t just about repairing your system so that it can work season after season, it’s about knowing when to finally throw in the towel and invest in a new air conditioner.

Let’s be honest, your air conditioner probably ran into some trouble this summer, right? Did it struggle to keep your home cool to such an extent that you wondered if it was even working sometimes? If this is the case then your system might be ready for replacement.

If you’re unsure as to whether your AC should be repaired or replaced for the heat that will come next summer, then keep reading. We’re the experts, so we know the signs to look for when it comes to an AC upgrade.

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Fast Repair Vs. Neglect

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Here’s a conundrum that a lot of homeowners often fall into. People like to wait for a long period of time before they make a purchase, it’s one of the most important aspects of being a consumer. When you buy a TV or a car, it’s incredibly important to think about this type of investment and make sure it’s the right one for you. We implore homeowners to do this for AC purchases all the time!

However, when it comes to AC repair in Brampton, ON, this kind of waiting is hard to do. The longer you wait to budget and compare, the more your air conditioner could start faltering. Problems can compound and multiply, which means the longer you wait, the more money you end up spending on repairs.

That’s why we’d like to talk about neglect. Are you neglecting a repair need? Let’s find out!

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Is Your AC Making Noise? Here’s Why

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Noisy air conditioners can be the bane of anyone’s existence. They’re obnoxious, they can be uncomfortable, and they can also bring about the dread of knowing you’ve got an AC repair need. All of these aspects drive homeowners to ignore them sometimes. While we understand where you’re coming from when you opt to ignore a noisy air conditioner—we’re here to tell you that it’s a bad idea.

Ignoring anything is usually a bad idea. Do you ignore a screaming baby or a car engine that’s seizing? Most people would probably say no. While ignorance is bliss, it’s usually a problem down the road that makes life harder than it should be. So, stop ignoring the noises your air conditioner makes. Call us for air conditioning repair in Milton, ON.

Let’s get into some of these noises and what they mean individually.

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3 AC Mistakes You Should Never Make

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

The hot weather has arrived and we’re feeling from it in full force. Whether you’re enjoying yourself going swimming at a lake or taking a stroll in the shade at a park, you always want to be able to return to a cool home. That’s why it’s so important to treat your air conditioner well!

Air conditioning in Brampton, ON is an investment. When you neglect something as expensive and complex as an air conditioner, you’re doing yourself a disservice. That’s why we’re going to highlight some of the most important things you should never do to your air conditioner. No matter what a family member or a neighbor tells you, stay away from committing these HVAC mortal sins!

It’s always a better idea to call a team of professionals for help with your AC. No matter what you think is going on, we can provide affordable, long-term solutions for you and your cooling system.

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