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Peatson's Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. Blog

It’s Not Too Late for Furnace Maintenance


The best way to ensure a long and efficient service life for your furnace is by scheduling routine maintenance, ideally in the fall. But what if you forgot to schedule this vital service before the heating season started? Is it ever too late for furnace maintenance?

No matter what time of the year it’s scheduled, our furnace service is the best way to keep your furnace working as efficiently as possible, for as long as possible. Whether it’s at the beginning, middle, or end of the heating season, let’s go over why it’s not too late for furnace maintenance–most of the time.

Is it ever too late for furnace maintenance?

Well, we can think of one situation where it’s too late for furnace maintenance. It’s too late when your furnace has broken down and now requires a repair that could’ve possibly been avoided. Unfortunately, for a furnace that needs repair, maintenance won’t be much help–there’s practically no repair that maintenance can fix.

What are the signs of a furnace that didn’t receive maintenance in the fall?

If you’ve had maintenance done every year and your furnace is fairly new, but forgot this year, you might be able to get through the whole winter without any hiccups in its performance. That’s how beneficial maintenance is. If you’ve been consistent about scheduling it, you may be able to slip by until next year, although we would certainly recommend that you schedule it now anyway.

If your furnace is old, or if it’s a few years old and you’ve never had maintenance, the signs will become readily apparent. These include:

  • Sluggish performance: Are your utility bills high? Does it seem like it takes forever for your home to get warm? Or maybe it seems like your home isn’t getting warm enough despite setting it at a higher temperature. This lackluster performance is a sure sign that maintenance has been skipped.
  • Cold pockets: Do certain rooms seem like there are cold pockets in them? What about rooms in your home that don’t seem to be receiving much heat at all? A system that’s struggling won’t be able to adequately heat your home.
  • Unusual noises: A struggling furnace may alert you to its troubles by making loud and unusual noises. Keep an ear out for banging, screeching, grinding, booming, and clicking sounds. 

What happens during furnace maintenance?

During an annual furnace maintenance appointment, one of our technicians will:

  • Thoroughly inspect every inch of your furnace to locate and correct minor issues. 
  • Clean the system and make sure the mechanical parts are well-lubricated. 
  • Perform a series of checks to make sure your furnace is working safely
  • Make adjustments to boost your furnace’s efficiency and performance.

We hope you’re feeling more confident that furnace maintenance is a beneficial service no matter the time of year. Give us a call to schedule this essential service today to avoid furnace repairs or breakdowns in the future.

Contact Peatson’s Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. for reliable furnace service in Oakville, ON.

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